Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The 16 and Pregnant Theme Song!
In the name of all things good and wholesome in this world! Just when you thought you heard it all, here bops  Mr. Jay Kellz around the corner to just screw your whole mental game up!  Apparently Jay Kelly has a declaration for us.  He wants the world to know that he 'be nutting in these bitches'.  That's right, you read me! Let me share a sample of this poetry for you:

"So anti-regular
And I be nutting in these bitches (skeet skeet)
I met a bitch named Tracy
I straight nut in that bitch.(up in that hoe)
That bitch named Tonya 
Around the corner (big booty)
I be nutting in that bitch..."

And so-forth and so-on, basically, you get the idea.

Don't judge me, but I caught myself bopping to the beat after a while.  I tend to think this song is hillarious (in a black face, bo-jangles, pick-a-nigger, hand-jive kind of way) but I fear for the young (and old) impressionable minds that may begin a 'Nut in These Bitches Revolution' and increase the already staggering amount of dumb idiots having bastards.  So whatever you do DO NOT click the video below and make this song viral.  Viral- interesting term to use for the movement, this song is a virus, one we must keep contained! (Although I don't blame you if you click it anyway, it is temping! *teehee*)

Also, don't follow him on Twitter! (LOL I'm so evil!)

1 comment:

  1. Also, it's completely satire. It's not even subtle about being satire. In fact, it goes out of it's way to point out that it's satire.
