Monday, August 27, 2012

Appeal? What's the Deal?!

SO check this out.  Tamika RaymondFoster is planning on appealing the court decision that Usher maintain primary custody of his two boys and she get everything else.  She is siting bias from the judge as her claim for the appeal.

Are you kidding me?! BIAS?!! Bias from the same judge who gave you exactly everything else you wanted except primary custody?! You have to be kidding me!  There's no way she can get away with that!

If anything this to me would show how even more unfit she is! What woman wants to prolong divorce battles and really anything having to deal with negativity and their children?

I'm sorry but none of this seems right to me.  Has she lost sight of what's important?  Making sure the rest of the children she has are always happy.  She just sounds like a scorned little spoiled brat who is mad because she did not get every single thing her way. If I were the judge, I sure would appeal this decision, but appeal it to give her even less parental rights then she was already going to be awarded. . . but then again I'm probably just biased. -___-

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