Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Messy Messy MESSY!!

Last night VH's1 Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta Episode 8 premiered and with it, my daily craving for ratchosity was for filled! Rat face and she-men and  buck teeth, oh my! Where do we start? 

How about the greatest love fiasco since Kim Kardashian and, well, anyone? Benzino and Carly Shay? Yeah right, NEXT! 


Scrappy and ShayBuckeey. Does anybody else's nose start itching whenever she pops up on the screen?  And for some reason I feel like doomsday is being held captive under her weave.  Ericka, I say let them have each other, just don't black ball the next dude like you seem to keep doing Scrappy even though you keep letting him back in.  Forgive and let go!


Kirk needs to stop complaining!  Ok so you can't be her manager anymore you idiot you're her husband! You're already getting half off whatever she makes anyway!  So sit back and let somebody else take over, I mean, Rasheeda's career can't get any worse so push comes to shove, you just go back to managing her again!


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And last but not least, THE STEVIE J POWER HOUR better known as the Stevie J, 
Mimi, and Joseline love circle.  Last night Joseline BUSTED that circle wide open all over Stevie J's ass!  I hate his idea to try to incorporate him, his baby's mom, and his jump-off in the same room almost more than I hate his stupid creepy rat face!  Only thing I wish is that Joseline  would have landed a heel or something at least.  I bet Mimi was hoping for that too!  That was probably the only time Mimi and Joseline will ever agree or get along about something.  I predict that next week Mimi and Joseline will speak and mend ways over the lies Stevie J has obviously been telling them both and their mutual hatred of Stevie J. Now now ladies, lets not be "fake".  You two have no reasons to be friends! 

But on to the 'hip hop' part of this whole 'love' and 'hip hop' thing, I am loving K. Michelle's new single "Kiss my Ass"!

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